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About AIA Bucks County
In 1961, eleven architects – Louis Goldberg, President; Stephen Hazzard, Treasurer; William H. Roberts, Secretary; G. Harold Haag, Director; Dana Stetser, Director; Paul d’Entremont, Doug Gilmour, Donald Hedges, Frederick Lantz, Fred Martin, and John Sabatino – living in Bucks County split off from Philadelphia and incorporated their own local chapter of the AIA on February 1, 1961. National AIA had previously subdivided other chapters to form new local organizations. The formation of the Bucks County Chapter marked the first chapter to form from a grassroots effort. The Chapter currently has about 90 members.
2024 Board

H. Joseph Philips
Philips and Donovan Architects, LLC

Larry Dennedy
Vice President

Linda Szpak
Raphael Architects

John Veisz

Mairi Schuler, AIA
Past President
Ailtire Studio, LLC
2024 Directors
Outreach Director
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Membership Director
Peter Stamplf
Stampfl Associates
Events Coordinator
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AIA PA Representative/Govt. Affairs
Stephen Heinz, AIA
Stephen M. Heinz Architect
Communications Coordinator
Connor Trask
Ralph C. Fey A.I.A. Architects, PC
Emerging Professionals Representative
Tommy Dimick, Assoc. AIA
Phillips & Donovan Architects, LLC
2024 Allied Representatives
Kristin Holmes, PE, LEED AP
Holmes Cunningham Engineering
Jessica May, LEED AP, CSBA
Arna Engineering
Membership Map
Approximate disbursement of members across our chapter’s territory (and beyond!), based upon 2018 membership roster. Click for larger view.
2022 Chapter Committees

The Chapter is looking to initiate some new committees that will allow for more membership participation throughout the year and will help the Chapter run more efficiently and have the potential to grow within the region. We ask for everyone’s help through participation in one or more committees. Expand committee list and descriptions below and contact the appropriate person to sign up!
As a contributor of the Membership Committee, your primary goals will include the recruitment of new architect, associate and allied members and the retention of existing members.
You may participate in regular regional (AIA PA) conference calls with the membership committee members from the other chapters in our region to discuss strategies, successes and stories of your efforts in accomplishing your membership goals.
Ben Eckhard
Email us today to get involved with the Membership Committee.
Help plan chapter events! The committee works together selecting venues, finding speakers, arranging building tours, developing continuing education programs, and coordinating interdisciplinary networking events, etc..
Tina Klucsic – Chair
Beth Maier
Mairi Schuler
Email us today to get involved with the Program and Events Committee.
The Community Outreach Committee is strives to educate the public on the value of architectural professionals. Recent initiatives have included interactive presentations at local grade schools to get young students interested in architecture and engineering.
Email us today to get involved with the Community Outreach Committee.
Michael Klucsik
Ben Eckhard